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ExtraHop's Guide to Application Analytics and APM Products

Go from APM black box to complete app visibility.

IT teams at hybrid enterprises must manage highly complex applications to deliver performance and customer experience at a speed and scale that APM products simply can't match. Log- and agent-based tools leave far too many blind spots to effectively monitor revenue-generating applications before, during, and after cloud migrations.

Wire data empowers IT Operations teams to streamline cloud migration, maintain application performance, and better support the business by providing complete application visibility and delivering actionable insights for every strategic project.

This eBook will teach you how to spot potential blind spots in your environment, such as in shared services like DNS or Active Directory, as well as how real-time analysis of network traffic can help you gain complete visibility and hold vendors accountable for performance and cost-efficiency. You'll learn:

  • Why APM tools are not enough to efficiently monitor your revenue-generating applications
  • How wire data provides IT teams with the visibility they need to streamline their cloud migrations, improve user experience, and prove when performance issues are the fault of their Commercial-Off-The-Shelf application vendors
  • How ExtraHop is helping The Home Depot, Middlesex Hospital and a leading international fast-food chain to deliver the best user experience to customers using real-time application analytics

Application Analytics eBook cover
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